Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Sarah Drury

Sarah Drury's presentation was very interesting to both my ears and my eyes. Her voice box installation was unique in the possible viewing of three different images. As people interact with the installation, it flips between images. The third image comes into play when the interaction of the piece intensifies, the outline image of the person interacting then overcomes the video itself, only showing one of the other two images within the outline of the person interacting with the installation. The technology used fascinated me flipping between images making it different every time someone interacts with the piece.

Another piece of technology that caught my interest was the performance that she showed us, the Robot Dancer. Created by Margie Medlin, the Robot was an assembly of metal that is able to bend to the dancer with rotational motion sensors. As the Dancer moves and bends, the robot then repeats similar movements showing a mirror image of the dancer. I enjoyed the whole concept of the technology and the way it was used throughout the whole performance, if present I can defiantly see myself being mesmerized for hours on ends.

Technology has seized to amaze me after watching this one documentary for this one piece. It's called Under Scan by Rafael Lozano-Hemmer, after recording a thousand short clips of random people laying down looking up to the camera and interacting with it in their very own way, they would have a tracking system in an area and when someone would pass through, it will then project one of the random clips where ever the pedestrian will be walking. I was blown away when I saw this technology in use as well as the thousand of recorded random clips, making wish I was there until I've seen all one thousand clips, more or less.

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