Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Video III: Reading collective points and questions

As I read the article, "Space and Place: the perspective of experience," I began to read about the movement and pause, and I was confused on what it meant and what would be an example of, "each pause in movement makes it possible for location to be transformed into place"? I don't know if it's talking about the hunter gathering aspect of human nature or something else.
What caught my interest was something very similar to what I'm learning in my philosophy class. "To see and to think are closely related processes," When you think of something, then it exist in the understanding, as if a painter thinks of an image before they start painting the picture they thought of making, then image exist in the understand before you can see it.
Another interest that I always seem to do, when I drive a long-distance to a commonplace, I always blank out the whole way not remembering a single thing on the trip there. It's almost as if my memory of the trip it self takes over and repeats itself the whole trip. Also, looking back at it I always take the same roads and I never seem to remember some of the name of the roads. But before I realize anything, I'm two minutes away, I feel like I have to try really hard and focus to not space out durning my commute home or to my girlfriends school.